
Convert decimal to fraction: Step by Step Guide

Before we discover how to transform decimals to fractions, there are several necessary details we require to know about decimals and also fractions. First, a decimal number is probably a number that has a dot (.) between the digits. This dot is called a decimal point. Essentially, decimal numbers are just fractions having a denominator shared in the power of 10. Let’s understand how to convert decimal to fraction.

For instance, decimal numbers are: 0.005, 3.2, 10.9, 55.1, 1.28, 9.234, etc

On the other hand, a fraction is part of a whole number typically represented as a profraction of two integers a/b. Both integers an and b are described as the numerator as well as a common denominator, respectively. There are three sorts of fractions, particularly: Appropriate, Improper, and also Mixed fraction. Instances of fractions are 5/8, 7/3 as well as 2 1/5.

Ways to convert decimal to fraction

We can conveniently transform a decimal number into a fraction by adhering to simple steps, and also no calculators are required. This short article has clarified all the actions of converting decimals to fractions, with some instances.

Let us learn these steps to transform the decimal into fractions:

  • Initially, begin by counting the numbers to the ideal side after the decimal point.
  • Let n be the number of numbers on the right side after the decimal point.
  • Create the number without a decimal point as a numerator and also the power of 10 n as the denominator
  • Now can streamline the fraction by lowering the common denominator as well as numerator with a typical element.
  • The streamlined fraction is the needed fraction from the provided decimal number.

Allow us to fix the copying to precisely convert a decimal right into a fraction.

Techniques for Addressing Formulas – Incorporate Like Terms


Convert 0.7 to a fraction.


The number 0.7 has just one decimal area. Hence our n is 1.

Now, choose the number as a numerator by ignoring the decimal point. Also, take the power of 101 as the common denominator.

Now our fraction is 7/ 101. And also, since 101 = 10, then our fraction is 7/10.

The fraction is currently in its cheapest terms. Therefore, 7/10 is our solution.


Transform 0.05 to a fraction and simplified it in the most affordable type.


The number 0.05 consist of 2 decimal places, consequently n = 2.

Neglect the decimal point and write the number as the numerator and also take likewise 10 2 to be the

Considering that 10 2 is the same as 10 x 10 = 100, the compose the number in fractional kind: 5/100.

Because both the numerator and have a standard variable, after that the fraction can be simplified to the most affordable terms: 5/100 = 1/20

As a result, the solution is 1/20