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9 Data Storage Mistakes and How Businesses can Avoid Them

Today, there are several options to consider when it comes to data storage. While this is true, there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding it which can lead to several mistakes.

Understanding data storage and the biggest data storage mistakes can help you keep your information safe and sound. Keep reading to learn what these mistakes are.

1. Not Choosing the Right Data Storage Solution

Chances are, you see new companies offering data storage solutions every day. This can make knowing which option is the best confusing. After all, almost every company makes claims of having the “best option”. This may result in your company overpaying for a storage solution that doesn’t really meet their needs.

The key to avoiding this and to securing the system that suits your business is by working with reputable data storage providers who can determine your specific storage needs. When this data is known, it is possible to find a storage solution that fits your infrastructure and budget.

2. Failing to Test Your Data Backups

You must regularly test your data backup and establish a plan to ensure it is done on schedule. One tracking method is to create a documented testing plan.

Make sure to communicate this to your team so everyone is on the same page. Along with testing your data backups, you must provide training on what actions to take if issues arise. This may include how to map a network drive and how to report problems within the network.

This type of proactive approach will pay off.

3. Not Making a Plan for Potential Disasters

If you use the cloud, your data will be backed up regularly. If you don’t use the cloud, you can fail test and backup your data manually. However, issues can still arise.

What this means is that there is the possibility your business may face significant downtime if a disaster or another issue occurs.

This is why it is smart to ask some serious questions regarding contingency plans for these situations. For example, should you store some data on-site to ensure your critical operations can continue? Or, should you go through several disaster recovery exercises to learn what all your options are?

4. Failing to Setup Backup Alerts for Failures or Successes

A huge mistake that many businesses make is not having backups that alert on successes and failures. Password changes, misconfigurations, connection issues, and more can all prevent a backup solution from sending the required alert.

If you aren’t receiving the success messages, too, there may be an issue. In these situations, you may not even know there is a problem until it is too late.

5. Not Maximizing Network Connectivity

Sometimes your business needs to access large amounts of data. This may be from the cloud, and if this is the case, it is necessary to ensure your internet connection can handle the necessary bandwidth demands.

It’s well-known that networks run faster and are more stable than broadband. This means that higher costs should not make you shy away from this option. Having taken the steps to maximize access to the data, at all times, is something you can’t afford to ignore.

6. You Aren’t Following the 3-2-1 Rule

Do you know what the 3-2-1 rule is? It follows this pattern:

  • Keep 3 copies of your data
  • Maintain the data in 2 forms of
  • Keep 1 copy stored off-site

When you have a well-documented plan in place for storing your data, you can feel confident it is secure. However, you must also make sure the data is fully protected if ransomware attacks occur, natural disasters, disgruntled employees, or other things that may compromise the protection or integrity of your data.

7. Not Taking Advantage of the Full Potential of the Cloud

Some businesses view cloud storage as just that – storage – nothing more and nothing less. While it is an amazing resource for storage needs, there is the possibility for much more.

Unfortunately, too few businesses take advantage of this, which means they are losing value from the cloud system they have in place. One of the most significant benefits offered by the cloud is that it allows for collaboration between remote users, and it eliminates the need to send large files through email or having to wait for them to download.

8. Backups Not Being Done Frequent Enough

This is especially important for larger companies. These organizations are continually retrieving, updating, downloading, and sharing data.

No longer is it enough to backup information one time per day. Backups need to be executed several times during the day to help minimize losses if the data is ever compromised.

9. Failing to Provide Ongoing Maintenance

When your data storage methods are out of sight, it may end up they are out of mind, too. However, ongoing maintenance is still an essential part of data storage.

It is crucial that you have secure connections and that diagnostic testing is done regularly. Failure to do this may result in devastating failures.

Are You Making the Most Common Data Storage Mistakes?

As you can see, there are several data storage mistakes you may be making. If you want to reduce the possibility of issues within your organization and network, make sure these mistakes aren’t made.

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If you are searching for more helpful information about your network and ensuring that you are taking the right steps to protect your information and efforts, keep the tips here in mind. Doing so is going to pay off in the long run. For more tips, you can trust, keep reading our blog!

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