
Everything about repetir conjugation chart

Repetir Conjugation Chart: The Spanish verb repetir has much the exact definition as the English verb “repeat,” typically suggesting to do something over again. Nonetheless, it is even more versatile in usage than its English counterpart, as it can also indicate having a second assisting of food or mimicking an activity. The repetir conjugation is comparable to most other -ir verbs. The stem of repet- modifications to repit- when the second syllable is worried or when the verb remains in the subjunctive state of mind.

Below you will locate the conjugations of the here and now indicative, incomplete a measure, preterite an action, future shows, periphrastic future, conditional, imperative tenses, state of mind, and the past participle as well as the gerund.

Repetir Conjugation Chart



Do you keep in mind when you were a child and duplicated or copied every little thing that adults around you did? Do you think you will need to retake any exams this semester? How usually do you have a 2nd assistant? Even though all these inquiries include different primary verbs, we would only require one: repetir (pronounced: reh-peh-TEER) in Spanish. The primary significance of repetir is ‘to repeat’. However, as you can guess from the inquiries, it can mean ‘to copy’, ‘to take back’ or ‘to have a 2nd helping’. In this article, you will discover precisely how to conjugate the verb repetir in the present tense, utilizing it in various contexts. Follow Clara and Gabriel in their discussions to learn how to use this verb adequately.

Use Repetir or repetir conjugation chart

The verb repetir has various meanings depending on the context. Allow’s see how to use them here and now, stressful or the infinitive in every instance.

To Repeat

Repetir means ‘to repeat’, in the feeling of ‘do’ or ‘claim’ something again.

Clara discusses her topics at college with Gabriel, one of her friends. She enjoys chemistry because they truly reach genuine practice in the laboratory. She claims: Normalmente repetimos el experimento para comprobar que el resultado no varía. (‘ Normally, we repeat the experiment to examine that the outcome does not transform.’).

Gabriel likes languages and also literature as opposed to scientific research. He is pretty good at French.

‘ I repeat the verbs repeatedly to remember the conjugations; however, I love discovering French.’.

Clara, nonetheless, is struggling with the language.

Pues para mí es muy difícil. (‘ Well, for me it’s tough.’). ‘ The educator repeats the verbs numerous times.

To Imitate/Mimic.

Gabriel claims that the most effective means of discovering a language is by repeating and imitating whatever you listen to.

You will undoubtedly enhance your enunciation if you duplicate what you hear in tunes or movies.’

To Retake.

Clara is worried about her examination. If she falls short, she will undoubtedly need to retake it once more in the summertime.

No quiero repetir el examen. (‘ I do not intend to take back the test.’).

Preterite of Repetir.

With the preterite, we can speak about completed actions in the past. Use it to say that you duplicated an exercise or had secs at dinner or lunch. Take its stem (repeat-) and include the adequate ends. But take notice of the third person (both particular and plural) because there is a vocalic change– the stem is repit- in this instance.

Examples in the Preterite and repetir conjugation chart

Carmen prepared a delicious paella for her friends and family yesterday. It was so delicious that everybody wanted to have seconds. Carmen offered to offer some extra.

Carmen: ¿ Quién Quiere más? (Who wants some more?).

Paula: Yo ya repetí, gracias. (I already had secs, many thanks.).

Carmen: ¿ Y tú, Juan? (As Well As you, Juan?) ¿ Ya repetiste? (Did you have a 2nd helping yet?).

Juan: Creo que todos repetimos. (I think that everyone had seconds.).

Paula: La paella estaba deliciosa. (The paella was tasty.) Todo el Mundo repitió. (Everyone had secs.) Incluso los niños repitieron. (Also the kids had seconds.).

Is Repetir a stem-changing verb?

Today Simple.

Like all other verbs, stem-changing verbs are conjugated by removing the– ar, -er or -ir finishing from an infinitive and including the right end. Allow’s consider the e-ie verb empezar (to start), the e-i verb repetir (to repeat) as well, as the o-ue verb poder (to be able to).

Is vivir a stem-changing verb?

In the third group of stem-changing verbs, the letter e in the stem modifications to i in all forms except the vosotros and Nosotros. Below’s an additional e: I stem-changing verb. Compare it to the normal verb vivir.

Just how does Repetir stem adjustment?

Some Spanish verbs are called stem-changers since when they are conjugated, the stem adjustments in a foreseeable method. In one team of stem-changing verbs, the letter e in the stem changes to i in all yet the Nosotros and vosotros forms. This particular type of stem-changing verb is located just in -ir verbs.

Does Repetir Conjugation have a stem adjustment?

Stem Changing Verbs.

There are three teams of stem adjustments teams in the present: o > ue, e > ie, and e > i. All kinds, however, the Nosotros and vosotros types alter their stem.